James Evans

Integrating LTE & 5G Connectivity into SD-WAN Solutions

In 2020, businesses worldwide underwent a significant shift as they were forced to adapt to...

Revolutionising IoT Connectivity with eSIM Deployments

In the world of IoT, network connectivity is a crucial element that keeps everything connected....

TikTok banned from UK parliament IT & telecoms devices

UK Parliament has banned the Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok from “all parliamentary...

Essential Steps for Business Owners to Follow in Cyber Security

Here are Your Comms Groups Top Tips for improving cybersecurity and protecting business assets:

The ISDN Switch-Off: Important Dates and Alternative Solutions

In November 2017, BT announced that all ISDN and PSTN lines would be switched off in 2025. This...

Latest Call Center VoIP features

VoIP allows call centers to make and receive calls over the internet, making it easier and more...

Nokia's New Logo: A Bold Step Towards the Future of Technology

Nokia was first established as a pulp mill in 1865, founded by Fredrik Idestamll in the town of...

Finance Providers Need MiFID Call Recording

As a financial services provider, one of the most important regulations in the financial industry...

The 3G Sunset: Understand the impact on iot

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and one of the latest changes is the 3G switch-off....

What is the 3G Switch Off?

The 3G switch-off refers to the current process of phasing out older 3G networks in favour of newer...

3G Sunset the end of an era

The 3G network is reaching the end of its life cycle as the world shifts towards faster and more...

RPI Increases: How to Protect Your Mobile Tariffs

As a business owner, it's important to stay on top of economic trends and their potential impact on...

FTTP vs Sogea: Which is better for your business?

When it comes to choosing a broadband internet service for your business, there are many options to...